
Contacts and location


Phone  +420 545 214 226
 Business adress: Na Vyhlídce 559/8,  664 48  Moravany
Place of business: Brněnská 993,  664 42  Modříce
IČO:     42588022 DIČ:       CZ6006141515

Position at here:, GPS coordinates are: 49°8’11.013″N, 16°36’10.341″E

Location of company

Sídlo firmy: Ing. Ivo Herman, CSc.

Sídlo firmy: Ing. Ivo Herman, CSc.

When coming form the Brno centre, on highway from Prague or Olomouc/Bratislava, it’s necessary to get to on the four lane road with direction Vienna - Vídeňskástreet. Behind  the crossroad among D1 highway and Vídeňská street you must turn right at the shopping centre FUTURUM-TESCO and by petrol station TESCO (violet arrows in the maps below) continue straight on for two kilometers. At the road’s end turn right. The firm is located between the service department Chára-pneu and MUREXIN company.

Poloha provozovny firmy

Poloha provozovny firmy

Detail příjezdu od OC FUTURUM (Tesca)

Detail příjezdu od OC FUTURUM (Tesca)