
Visit us at Innostrans 2022 in Berlin and Future Mobility in Brno


For the first time in the Czech Republic – ELP916 – a combination of a low-power LED sign and an e-paper display of information and timetables with the possibility of browsing in the timetable, illumination and the possibility of power supply from batteries (max. consumption in text mode 11W).

We would like to invite you to visit our stand at the international exhibition INNOTRANS 2022, which will take place in Berlin from 20 September to 23 September 2022 in hall 2.1, stand 170, or at Future Mobility 2022 in Brno from 20-22 September 2022:

  • The PTS digital stop sign with integrated ELP 91x containing a low-power LED panel and e-ink paper display (a combination first seen in the Czech Republic – see adjacent picture).
  • Separate e-paper marker NIP A-13,3 suitable for solar power with integrated battery.
  • Line preference solution with V2X technology (OBU, RSU and backoffice units for their management).
  • New way of vehicle check-inEPIS 5.0B on-board computer with check-in and EVK validator connected directly to the on-board computer.

And other upgraded vehicle and dispatching equipment components:

  • Transportella dispatching software.
  • Combined VLP vehicle information LED panels with high contrast, reduced power consumption (50%) and a full-colour module for line number indication.
  • EPIS 5.0 for check-in with printer, customer display and bank card reader – now with the ability to display nearby IZS vehicles using V2X.
  • EPIS 4.0C on-board computers with new software concept
  • Stop wide screen LCD – ELP 829AWE.
  • Many other technologies and solutions.

EPIS 4.0x – On-board computer product stability saves costs

Palubní počítače EPIS jako zdroj stability rozvoje vozidla.

EPIS on-board computers as a source of stability for vehicle development.

EPIS 4.0x on-board computers have demonstrated long-term stability in the management of public transport vehicle information systems, and the most powerful EPIS 4.0Cx type is now the standard. A one-off replacement of all on-board computers in a transport company will cost too much. Our new on-board computer software solution (including OS) does not require this and can be run even on older versions – e.g. on EPIS 4.0A from 2012. Both types of on-board computers can then be interchanged and only the quantity needed at the time can be purchased. The life cycle of the PP can thus be extended to 20 years or more and new cars can always have an up-to-date and powerful solution. The picture on the right shows an example of the new program running on on-board computers with a difference of 10 years from their manufacture, while mechanically they are both compatible.

New camera imaging systems for increased safety

 Zobrazovač kamer 29

Camera stream display – VCS 290_AEC”.

We have developed new in-vehicle camera display systems for drivers. These are a 12″ monitor suitable for buses (VCS 121_AEC), i.e. vehicles with up to 4 door cameras, or a large 29″ wide-angle monitor (VCS290_AEC), which allows up to 8 door cameras “sideways” or 6 door cameras “upright” or a combination of both at the same time – see picture (suitable for coupled tram vehicles) The monitors communicate with the higher-level vehicle control unit or on-board computer. The monitor monitors all cameras (24 cameras or more).

Our V2X and BO units increase safety on the highway in Greece

Vybavení dálnice v Řecku

Highway equipment in Greece

In a pilot project in Greece, our V2X-based solution is improving road safety on the A2 motorway in the mountains around the town of Veria (about 70 km west of Thessaloniki).
There are 25 units of the new concept, namely RSU 5.0-I-C-LVG-06N in compact design (18x) and RSU 5.0-I-C_LVG-07N in rack-mounted design (bordered in purple in the picture) (7x) with external antennas in MIMO technology to improve the range (bordered in green). 11 OBUs – type UCU 5.0 V-C-LVG-06N – have been delivered for the vehicles of the highway authority. This is one of the projects under the Greek C-ROADS implemented for the Greek highway authority Egnatia Odos.
The delivery of the V2X units in the project included the implementation of our new C-ITS Back Office (BO), namely a new type of Anbos server. This provides management and remote configuration of the units, including status monitoring. A very important part of it is also entering and creating warning messages and sending them to the units. The Anbos system is designed as a hybrid system and supports sending messages via LTE. In this project it is linked to Cross’ Invipo system, which provides operator control. It also communicates with the Greek integration platform – i.e. can retrieve data from it for publication and also forward messages to other C-ITS Back Office. As well as the units, it can download certificates from the PKI and thus ensure system security. The units are gradually put into operation at the customer (performed by the Greek partner) and the C-ITS BO server is running. Thus, a trial run of the system has started. The project was carried out in cooperation with Cross and the Greek partner.

Meeting of Austrian experts of C-ITS systems in Brno

Prezentace řešení firmy Herman dne 30.6.2022.

Presentation of the Herman solution on 30.6.2022.

On the basis of our activity in the field of C-ITS systems, with the support of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Vienna, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, we managed to organize a meeting with leading Austrian experts in the construction of transport infrastructure in Brno on 30.6.2022. We were thus able to present the capabilities of the C-ITS system, including the use of V2X communication in Brno, which we were significantly involved in building. The presentation also included a tour of BKOM a.s. and DPMB a.s. dispatching centers, demonstration of preference of IZS and public transport vehicles at intersections. More information on the MFA website here or in the article on export promotion. A press release is in preparation. At the same time, we would like to thank all those who personally helped us organize this meeting.

Holidays in Split with check-in from us

Validátor EVK5.1 v činnosti.

Validator EVK5.1 in action.

If you go to Split, Croatia on holiday and use local public transport from Promet Split d.o.o., you will meet our products on the buses. Our on-board computer EPIS 5.0B and validator EVK 5.1 control the check-in of vehicles using bank cards, proprietary cards or QR codes. The on-board computer handles all Ethernet communication via our switch with POE type 802.3at, controls the VLP10x120 internal information panels, makes announcements to passengers and in selected vehicles also provides passenger counting.
On Friday, June 3, 2022, the project of the new type of online check-in was presented to the public and the trial operation and installation of the system started. The system is characterized by online operation using a new API interface. The new system is ready for third party integration. Our new type of bus stop information panels will also be connected to the system, which also allows the playback of announcements in 100 different languages.

IT-TRANS 2022 – future of public transport

Stánek na výstavě je připraven na Vaši návštěvu.

The stand at the exhibition is ready for your visit.

We cordially invite you to our booth at the IT-Trans fair in Karlsruhe, Germany, held from 10.5. to 12.5.2022. The fair trade is dedicated to intelligent systems for public transport and the exhibition shows the future of public transport. We present our systems in fare collection (new EPIS 5.0B and validator EVK 5.1 and other board computers EPIS 5.0A,EPIS 4.0X. Additionally, we present also our new brand V2X-Prority for our products with V2X communication. We also have a talk at the UITP conference, where we describe our experience with large scale V2X deployment in public transport WS 4 – Future of mobility with 5G and telecomunications.

Stop sign PTS with e-paper 13,3″

Označník PTS s e-papírem

PTS marker with e-paper

As part of the implementation of the contract “ČSAD Autobusy České Budějovice a.s.-telematics in public transport” we delivered 75 stop sign of the new type PTS_E13S (public transport stop). These include a complete mechanical solution of the sign, including a design trash bin, an area for paper timetables, a solar panel placed above the sign and a new type of low-energy information panel (NIP). The new solution again reduces consumption and “extends” the lifetime without the presence of the sun. The sign also includes a new e-paper display solution, which allows an extended temperature range for its functionality. Everything has been delivered and manufactured despite the semiconductor crisis, especially control processors. The signs are controlled by the new dispatcher software Transportella and its stop panel control module.

Web V2X-priorities and implementation of public transport preferences

Logo nového webu

Logo of the new website

For the specialized community of experts and those interested in solutions for the use of V2X communication in transport – preference of public transport vehicles, IZS and other case options, we have created a new website under the name V2X-priority. It lists our products, solutions and implemented projects (e.g. BiDiMoVe) related to the use of V2X technology in many European countries, including a description of the largest comprehensive use of V2X in Europe for the preference of public transport, fire and rescue services implemented in the city of Brno.

The general solution for the implementation of public transport preference with on-board computers other than the ones we produce is presented in this link. Further details – i.e. communication protocol with on-board computer or vehicle-environment communication protocol will be provided after signing the NDA.

New type of passenger checking

Validátor EVK 5.1 QL70
As we have already presented at Czechbus 2021, we have strengthened our position in the field of passenger checking by developing a new validator EVK 5.1QL70DT (see photo) and a modified type of  on-board computer with checking – EPIS 5.0B. They are complex solutions of passenger checking in vehicles and of vehicle information system control for suburban transportation in Split, Croatia. The set also includes inner information panels VLP 10x120R5ETA (802.3 at power supply and inner speakers), management of counting units (sensors) in vehicles by the Hella company (original vehicle equipment), new type of switch ECU 08L+.7T-05  and switching units IJN 50.

The most important new product is the new type of the EVK 5.1. validator with a large touchscreen display LCD 7.0″, new high performance control module, reader of proprietary chip cards Mifare desfire, QR code reader, voice output, and other features -  PoE 802.3 at connection. The on-board computer has also been improved quite significantly – connected CAN interface for reading vehicle states and it also allows for remote updates via LTE at a request.

Our C-ITS units passed BiDiMoVe Plugtest in Hamburg

BiDiMoVe project

BiDiMoVe project (copyright by LSBG Hamburg)

In the week from 23. – 27. August 2021 our company successfully participated in the Plug-test of OBU units within the project BiDiMoVe. BiDiMoVe is a project funded by German Federal Ministry of Transport. The project is a joint initiative of companies Hamburg Verkehrsanlagen, Harmurg Hochbahn a Landesbetrieb Straßen, Brücken und Gewässer Hamburg (that is, the local public transport company and road operators). The porject aimed at testing public transport vehicle prioritization on signalized intersections using V2X communication technology (ITS-G5) with the secured SREM a SSEM messages. Part of the testing was also connection to the board computer by Trapeze. Our OBU unit passed all tests. More about the event can be found here.

Our C-ITS system awarded at “The fireman of the year 2020″

Award of the price at the Prague Castle

Award for the second place at the Prague Castle on 30.9.2021. The awards are taken by representatives of Fire Brigade of South Moravia and Road operator in Brno – HZS and BKOM.

Our long term cooperation with Fire Brigade of South Moravia in deloying C-ITS systems was awarded within the “Fireman of the year 2020″ awards. It received the second price in the category “Project of the year”. The awards are organized by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic. Within the project, we installed our C-ITS unit on 15 vehicles of the fire brigade, see here. The units allow the vehicle to communicate with other vehicles or with the traffic infrastructure. Currently, its main goal is a vehicle prioritization on signalized intersections. That is, the vehicle equipped with such a unit can pass safely on green in case of an emergency ride. The project builds upon the project C-ROADS DT2 in which the intersections were equipped with RSU units (12 of them are our units). The project also complements the project for Public Transport Company of Brno called RISII, in which all vehicles were equipped with a C-ITS unit. The project RISII was awarded at Urbis Fair 2019: it got the first price. So we have now received the second award for our C-ITS systems. We can also add the price for the Czech Traffic Construction Project 2020 which was awarded to BKOM for the C-ROADS project.

Vehicle state in one click in a dispatching system

zadnivuz_mWe have significantly broadened the features of the public transportation control system (both vehicle and dispatching). A dispatcher or a service technician can see the state of most vehicle systems in just one click (not just those produced by Herman). Based on that, they can decide responsibly whether the vehicle should be left in operation or whether it should be replaced. SW SPRINTER  has been equipped with two new windows showing the state of the vehicle,  EPIS on-board computer  sends the information at a request via  UCU 5.0 communication unit.  At the same time, a dispatching system was connected with a V2X system for the first time in the Czech Republic (and maybe even in Europe). We are preparing the article.

ELP 34x Stop Panels

Chotebor-zast_Om_ruWe started distributing a new type of  ELP 34x stop panel (Povážská Bystrica, Chotěboř, Štětí, Kordis JMK, Koved, …). These panels are characterized by a new mechanical construction that is water resistant, illumination of the stop name and of the text above the LED diode field, they can but do not have to have a time and date field, they are equipped with antiglare glass (non-refelctive version). They are equipped with a new type of control unit, TTS (text-to-speech), interference resistant command receivers for the vision impaired (EPNEV 1.24), wide communication equipment, etc.

New version of SW for on-board computers EPIS 4.0x

Screenshot_2020-11-01 Zeplin - Projects(1)In fall 2020, we started the development of a new control program for  EPIS 4.0x computers (especially for the four-core  EPIS 4.0C) that meets the current requirements, is user friendly and utilizes all our experience with on-board computer development (e.g. operation state logging). The new SW version can also be used by previous types of on-board computer  EPIS 4.0A a EPIS 4.0B , and it supports gradual transition from the original on-board computer type to a new type without the necessity of replacing it immediately (it respects the state: new high performance system – new vehicle). The data preparation program  EPCOMP has also been adapted to this situation, it can create data for various on-board computer versions. At the moment, it is being used in new Škoda trams and in a few buses of PMDP a.s.

Written about us – an article in the Forbes magazine

Forbes_foto_210730_mOur activities in the field of PT preference began on the classic  radio path  in 2021. Later in 2015, we began our search for a general ES and PT vehicle preference that does not depend on “Herman” technology. Choosing  preference using V2X  communication (European standard ITS) was the logical conclusion. This solution was  recognized by Forbes in an article about our activities in this field. You can read it  here. The article concentrates on the utilization of the V2X technology in Brno and not only there.

Über uns geschrieben – Artikel im Forbes-Magazin

Forbes_foto_210730_mUnsere langjährige Tätigkeit im Bereich ÖPNV-Bevorrechtigung begann in 2012 mit der klassischen Funktechnologie (eine Firmenspezifische Lösung) und später ab Ende 2015 suchten wir nach einer allgenmeinen Lösung für integrierte Rettungssysteme und ÖPNV-Fahrzeuge, die unabhängig vom „Herman ” Technologie ist. Diese Lösung wurde dann im Forbes-Magazin ausgezeichnet, das einen Artikel über diesen Tätigkeitsbereich des Unternehmens verfasste. Sie können seinen Inhalt hier einsehen. Der Artikel beschreibt hauptsächlich die Anwendung dieser V2X-Technologie in der Stadt Brünn, jedoch nicht nur hier.

Providing preference to first response FRS vehicles in Brno

HZS-UCU_ENAt the turn of 2020/2021, we finished the installation of  C-ITS units  UCU 5.0V  in 13 vehicles of the FRS of South Moravia Region (we supplied the FRS with 15 units altogether). They provide preference of first response vehicles (e.g. fire engines, command vehicles, rescue vehicles, and ladder platform vehicles, etc.)  using V2X communication at chosen intersections in Brno. UCU units meet the latest C-ITS system requirements and they use secure communication in PKI C-ROADS. This finished one of the phases of our long-term cooperation with the FRS of South Moravia Region that began with a test run (more info here) in 2017. The new system will ensure that FRS vehicles will arrive in a quicker and safer way and thus it will increase the security of the citizens of Brno and the South Moravia Region.

Ausstattung der Präferenzen der Erstlinie Feuerwehren in der Stadt Brünn

HZS-UCU_ENZum Jahreswechsel 2020/2021 haben wir die Installation von C-ITS-Einheiten des Typs UCU 5.0V in 13 Fahrzeugen der Feuerwehr in Südmähren abgeschlossen. Diese stellen die Bevorrechtigung von Erstlinie-Feuerwehrfahrzeugen (z. B. Panzerspritzen, Kommandowagen, Rettungsfahrzeuge und Autoleitern usw.) an ausgewählten Kreuzungen in Brünn mit der V2X-Kommunikation sicher. Die UCU-Einheiten erfüllen die neuesten Anforderungen für C-ITS-Systeme und verwenden eine sichere Kommunikation in Sicherheitsinfrastruktur (PKI) von C-ROADS. Mit dieser Lieferung und Inbetriebnahme des Systems wurde eine Etappe unserer langjährigen Zusammenarbeit mit Feuerwehr der Region Südmähren, die 2017 mit dem Testbetrieb begann, abgeschlossen (mehr lesen). Das neue System wird eine sicherere und schnellere Durchfahrt der Feuerwehrfahrzeuge zum Einsatzort gewährleisten und somit die Sicherheit der Einwohner von Brünn und der Region Südmähren erhöhen.

Trial run of EMS and PT vehicle preference in Ústí nad Labem

zzs-ustiSince October 2020, a trial run of EMS vehicles (emergency medical services) of the Usti nad Labem region has been underway in Ústí nad Labem. We cooperate with the NTD company and together we have equipped 2 ambulance vehicles with  OBU units  and 2 intersections using Cross controller units with our RSU units.  Just like in the case of the FRS in Brno , V2X communication is secured and the certificates that are used are accepted on the European level. This prevents any unauthorized use. Hybrid communication ensures reliability i.e. preference messages travel via both V2X communication and LTE connection. 2 vehicles of the  Ústí nad Labem Transportation company have been included in the preference system.

RSU units also use a signal plan of an intersection controller unit which means that any vehicle with V2X can accept this signal plan. This V2X trial run offers a complete set of usable urban C-ITS services.  You can read more here.

Pilotbetrieb der Präferenz von Rettungswagen und öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln in der Stadt Ústí nad Labem

Sanitka_Usti_2020Seit Oktober 2020 ist in Ústí nad Labem ein Testeinsatz der bevorzugten Rettungsfahrzeuge der Region Ústí nad Labem (Rettungsdienst) im Einsatz. Hier haben wir in Kooperation mit der Firma NTD zwei Ambulanzfahrzeuge mit unseren OBUs und 2 Kreuzungen, die mit LSA-Steuergeräten der Firma Cross ausgerüstet sind, mit unseren RSUs versuchsweise ausgestattet. Wie bei der Feuerwehr in der Stadt Brünn ist auch hier die V2X-Kommunikation abgesichert und die verwendeten Zertifikate auf europäischer Ebene anerkannt sind. Dies verhindert unbefugten Missbrauch. Eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit wird durch die hybride Kommunikation gewährleistet, d.h. Präferenznachrichten gehen sowohl über die V2X-Kommunikation als auch über die LTE-Verbindung. Neu am Präferenzsystem sind auch 2 Fahrzeuge des Verkehrsunternehmens der Stadt Ústí nad Labem beteiligt.

Der Vollständigkeit halber senden die RSUs auch einen LSA-Signalplan, sodass alle V2X-Fahrzeuge diesen Signalplan empfangen können. Der Pilotbetrieb des V2x-Systems bietet somit einen kompletten Satz an heute nutzbaren City-C-ITS-Diensten (mehr lesen).

PT Preference using V2X and IBIS-IP in Ludwigsburg

MAN bus belonging to  LVL-Jäger equipped with a V2X – UCU 5.0 LWVG unit with PT preference on Swarco control units.

MAN bus belonging to LVL-Jäger equipped with a V2X – UCU 5.0 LWVG unit with PT preference on Swarco control units.

In Ludwigsburg, Germany (Baden-Württemberg), we successfully tested  public transportation preference using V2X communication. Our OBU unit – version UCU 5.0 LWVG  was installed into a Man bus belonging to the  LVL-Jäger company. The unit was connected to an on-board computer from IVU Traffic and the IBIS-IP standard was used to facilitate communication between these devices. The unit used route and destination information to provide vehicle preference by sending a CAM message containing preference data in the R09.16 format. The test was performed with a reference receiver RSU unit at an intersection controller from Swarco.

Our UCU 5.0 units  have proven again that they meet international standards and that they can be adapted to various operation conditions. Successful tests (description here)  have cleared the way for us to supply 100 pieces of these units to this company.

ON-LINE connection search engine with direct ticket sales in PP

The checking screen and transition to  ON-LINE sale and search.

The checking screen and transition to ON-LINE sale and search

The passenger transfer regime in regional public transportation makes it possible for passengers to buy tickets with multiple transfers and to choose from multiple routes. Drivers can provide this by searching for a connection ON-LINE, choosing a connection and selling the ticket. The EPIS 5.0A   on-board computer  has been equipped with an  ON-LINE connection search engine . This function is connected with direct ticket sales including printing of a found connection information slip.  This function makes the above described situation easier for both passengers and drivers, and it also ensures that the ticket price is correct. The Herman company has proven its technological lead yet again when this function was integrated into the EPIS 5.0A on-board computer.

New generation of vehicle LCD

Widescreen LCD - VCS 290 simulating 2 screens.

Widescreen LCD – VCS 290 simulating 2 screens.

We prepared a new generation of vehicle LCD with a new generation of control PC and a new HW arrangement. The new LCDs use SSD drives with a minimum capacity of 32 GB, their startup time is much shorter, they can store long video sequences, and advertisement or transport campaigns can be loaded in advance and recognized by their validity. They can work with foreign protocols (an example of cooperation with a Transdata on-board computer) or they can work with the latest version of our universal protocol EPISNET.

Mery Christmas and Happy New Year 2021

PF 2021

PF 2021

We wish everybody happy holidays and success in 2021 even in these complicated times. We would like to thank our customers for their interest in our products and services. In 2020, we not only worked on our “usual“ orders but we also worked on some important projects. One of the projects was a new type of   EPIS 5.0A on-board computer with checking  (1000 pieces for IDS JMK) and Backoffice BOS  to manage it. We made progress in integrating V2X communication systems and we integrated PT and ES vehicle preference  including  tram collision prevention. We developed a stop sign with electronic paper  (e-link), solar power supply and a new control server. The last project was a “traffic island camera system” for public transportation vehicles including a supervision server with online recording downloads. In 2021, we plan to introduce innovations in the field of on-board computers and communication units and to further develop SW BOS and Sprinter.

Independent vehicle camera system with remote supervision

Obr. č.2: Palubní počítač EPIS 5.0KS

¨Set of the “traffic island” independent camera system EPIS 5.0KS consisting of a control unit, LCD terminal, eth. switch and operating unit and up to 16 cameras.

We prepared a new type of vehicle camera system  EPIS 5.0KS . It is not dependent on vehicle electronics (optional). The system is based on  EPIS 5.A,  or more precisely  EPIS 5.0KS  on-board computer. Up to 16 cameras can be connected to the recording system. The “on-board“ camera computer is equipped with 2x SSD (control and record keeping), LTE, GNSS and WIFI modules and a high performance four-core PC. As it has its own SIM card, it is possible to supervise its state and to download recordings online at any time. It is controlled by the latest version of the BOS – KS system.   A special 8 button OV-01 unit is used to operate it from a vehicle. It also includes an   ECU 08LM.7T  ethernet switch with PoE as per IEEE 802.11 at. This innovation adds a  traffic island camera system to our portfolio.

New type of stop sign with e-paper and a solar panel

e_papir_fmWe developed a new type of stop sign with e-paper  ELP 191. It is powered by solar panels and it does not need the  230V net power supply or overhead line power supply. It is equipped with an  LCD display with e-paper. It can be placed anywhere where the sun shines – you just need to build the needed foundation.

The panel uses brand new control unit technologies, it works with  lithium accumulators  (BMS system), it uses a new type of  low consumption command receiver for the vision impaired (EPNEV 1.24)  and it can control the charging of the accumulators by the solar panels. E-paper illumination is controlled by a contactless capacity button. The consumption of the panel is about 50-70 mW. An LTE modem is used to connect to a server. We also developed a new way of panel control using a new type of control server.

Tests of compatibility of our V2X units with Volkswagen Golf


Picture of V2X functionality from the Volswagen magazine where the tests are described. The picture shows how a car communicates with signs warning about traffic change.

Picture of V2X functionality from the Volswagen magazine where the tests are described. The picture shows how a car communicates with signs warning about traffic change.
Together with the Czech representation of Volkswagen we tested the compatibility of the V2X technology (also Car2x) used by the new VW Golf, and by our units UCU and RSU. Volkswagen Golf is the first line produced car that includes V2X in its equipment and which could use all the services provided by our units that were utilized e.g. in EU during the C-RODAS and the RIS II project. In the course of 14 test days, we tested VW Golf broadcasting in various traffic situations . It was confirmed that our systems broadcast as per the same norms and with the same content as VW Golf. VW Golf, like our units, uses the latest security standards. However, it turned out that the only compatibility issue is security related. Logically, Golf does not trust Czech certificates and therefore all Czech messages also generated during th C-ROADS project are deemed untrusted and ignored. According to a Volkswagen statement, the company has to protect its customers and therefore does not trust the pilot C-RODAS certificates. You can read an interview with our colleague specializing in this technology and about the tests themselves in the Volkswagen magazine.

Communication protocol EPISNET for controlling LCD

VCS 185

Our LCD – type VCS 185AE-JMK, the first to use this extened protocol for IDS JMK. The picture shows an example of a bus drive when one line changes into another.

Our LCD – type VCS 185AE-JMK, the first to use this extened protocol for IDS JMK. The picture shows an example of a bus drive when one line changes into another.
We introduced a new version of communication protocol for controlling LCD – EPISNET version 1.42 (and not only for LCD). This protocol expands LCD control used in transportation vehicles in the Czech Republic. It is used by DPO a.s. and DSZO and it has also been implemented in vehicles managed by the South Moravian Region Coordinator Kordis JMK a.s. and in vehicles of DPMB a.s. (almost 2500 vehicles in total) now also including remote updates. The protocol also includes the function of receiving dispatching messages and messages from traffic closures and assigning this messages to individual stops, it further includes dynamic signs in vehicles – so called virtual ELP, overview of connections at stops, and other functions. There is a special function of displaying the route of „vehicles“ that „change“ multiple times during one drive i.e. they go through multiple lines in a sequence without passengers having to transfer. „Graphic manuals“ are created for this protocol that describe how an LCD in a vehicle is to behave to meet all the requirements of the vehicle operator. This is a highly advanced protocol with diverse utilization.

First integrated preference of ES and PT using V2X

Ukázka zobrazení stavu tramvaje na tabletu s naší aplikací ohledně stavu vozidel v okolí.

Displaying of the state of the tram in the front (warning) using a tablet with our application V2VIS. The tablet can display the situation in the surroundings without an on-board computer (the application also works with other V2X systems, e.g. on the D11 highway)..

During the all European project C-ROADS, we put a vehicle-crossrad communication system into operation that is able to provide preference of not only PT (public transport) (supplied during the RIS II project) but also ES (emergency services) and the fire brigade in one unified V2X communication system. This is a unique solution. Its functionality was verified during C-ITS interoperability tests in Brno on 20.5.2020. The tests were a part of the C-ROADS projects and other suppliers were also involved.
In over a year of operation, the new PT preference solution based on the V2X standard has proven itself useful to the full extent in Brno (Czech Republic). The units that use this solution to communicate with other units include 750 UCU 5.0 units in PT vehicles, a few OBU units (on-board units – UCU 5.0) used by the fire brigade and 93 of our RSU at intersections (12x for C-ROADS and 81x for DPMB). It has been confirmed that this is the first and the biggest „for real“ utilization of V2X in Europe and mainly in PT.

Sorry, TRANS IT exhibition has been postponed indefinitely because of the Coronavirus

SW SPRINTER helps to manage the transport of the Ústí Region

Foto z nově otevřeného dispečinku Ústeckého kraje

Photo from newly opened dispatching center of the Ústí regino.

The Ústí nad Labem Region officially introduced a new dispatching center for the Ústí nad Labem Region based on our SPRINTER control dispatching software on 2020 February 26.  SW is running on our remote servers. The dispatching center provides  the opportunity for passengers and the public using the light client of our SPRINTER SW to see on the map the online location of all buses and trains.  It also provides data via the SPRINTER API for the virtual departure boards of each stop, where real vehicle departure data is displayed. The dispatching center displays 100 trains and approximately 400 buses, while the city public transport is being prepared.

Cameras in vehicles increase security and lower costs

On-line display of events in front of the vehicle in SW SPRINTER at the dispatching (simultaneous displays from two cameras).

On-line display of events in front of the vehicle in SW SPRINTER at the dispatching (simultaneous displays from two cameras).

Vehicle cameras can record events in vehicles (camera systems) and they can be integrated into vehicle information systems (integration description here). Vehicle camera shots can be transferred directly to the dispatching (e.g. by using router UCU 5.0) to display events in the vehicle (e.g. in the dispatching control SW SPRINTER). An example of on-line display from  front cameras at the dispatching can be seen on the adjacent picture, they can be used not only to assess events during a collision but also to check the situation on lines and at stops. On-line display can supplement many control rides from the dispatching – you just need to wait for the vehicle to go by and check what you need. It is faster and cheaper. Realized as a part of the RIS II project.

Communication using V2X can prevent tram collisions

The result of stopping a tram going 30 km/h after collision alert. The vehicle stopped really close to the position of a simulated tram standing in the front – marked by cones.

The result of stopping a tram going 30 km/h after collision alert. The vehicle stopped really close to the position of a simulated tram standing in the front – marked by cones.

The result of stopping a tram going 30 km/h after collision alert. The vehicle stopped really close to the position of a simulated tram standing in the front – marked by cones.

On 13. 12. 2019, our company tested an algorithm that warns the driver about an impending tram collision (crashing into a tram standing in the front). This test was undertaken in cooperation with the CTU (department of Control Engineering) and the Transport company Ostrava plc.. The algorithm is based on communicatiuon as per the V2X (ITS G5) standard where vehicles exchange information about their position and state.

A Vario LF2 tram belonging to the Transportation company Ostrava (DPO a.s.) was used for the test which took place in a depot in Poruba. The impending collision warning for the driver was provided by our communication units UCU-5.0V equipped with modules as per the V2X (C2X) standard that are run in DPO plc.. It was a test of a functionality implemented in the tram communication unit. Press release here. With the system applied in practice it would be possible to prevent this recent tram collision in Pohořelec, Prague.

Another useful V2X communication function is public transportation vehicle preference (described here) including statistical results from a very busy intersection in Brno.

Successful Plugtest of V2X units in France

Certificate of participation in Plugtest ETSI of V2X communication.

Certificate of participation in Plugtest ETSI of V2X communication.

On 4.11 – 7.11 2019 our company participated in ETSI CMS7 Plugtes in Nice, France. This Plugtest was an international event held by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute to test and tune the compatibility of V2X communication among individual manufacturers. Plugtest concentrated on the security of V2X communication and it was held directly on the ETSI premises. The ability of V2X units by individual manufacturers (in our case units UCU 5.0-x) to exchange messages in a secure form was tested i.e. Whether they are able to validate digital signatures in the communicated messages and whether the messages are in the form set by the norms issued by ETSI. The suppliers of the central security features i.e. PKI structures (Public Key Infrastructure) also participated to ensure credibility of the signatures. The tests proved the compatibility of the communication solution of our units UCU 5.0 with the units by other manufactures via V2X as well as of communication UCU unit – PKI via the HTTP protocol (acquiring the certificates of validation of credibility of message signatures).

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