WiFi and V2X unit

Vehicle communication units WiFi, LTE and V2X

UCU_4_schéma_170415_uvodUniversal vehicle communication units UCU (Universal Communication Unit) connect vehicle features by using superordinate systems or servers via GSM/UMTS/LTE networks. They usually include a WiFi unit (wifi router) for passsengers that provides access to the public internet to passengers in public transport vehicles (municipal and regional). That is why they always include a high-performance wifi unit and also an LTE modem (part of GSM communications). This ensures high data flow and good accessibility of the internet and other applications in a vehicle. All UCU units can be included in a remote surveillance system. The unit can be connected to other busbars in a vehicle (Ethernet, RS 485, IBIS, CAN, etc.). Chosen units can communicate via the radio interface V2X.

Basic router properties

Universal vehicle communication units (UCU) provide communication from a vehicle to the public internet, private APN and other various types of of supervision servers including creation of operation statistics via GSM/UMTS/LTE networks. The basis of their operation is behaving as LTE/UMTS routers. They usually include a WiFi unit (WiFi router) that provides access to the public internet to passengers in public transportation vehicles (both municipal and regional). That‘s the reason why they always contain a high-performance wifi unit and also an LTE/UMTS switchable modem (a part of GSM communications). This ensures high data flow and good availability of internet or other applications in a vehicle.

We supply a solution of GSM/WiFi/V2X routers:

All vehicle communication units UCU can be incorporated into  a remote surveillance system and they can monitor or control connection time, the amount of transferred data, they can dynamically change the home page, behave like a GNSS (GPS) server for vehicle components, etc..

Currently we supply the following solutions of universal communication units supporting wifi for passengers:

  • communication unit UCU 5.0 (up to 2x GSM modem with automatic LTE or UMTS network type choice, GNSS position knowledge (GPS, Glonas, Galileo), up to 2x WiFi with the possibility of more than 50 simultaneous connections and V2X) and among other functions also working as a router separating computer networks in the vehicle – front/rear tram or networks of the information/camera system. The unit also meets the regional public transport vehicle equipment requirements of MSK and it sends statistics to a “WiFi center”. Produced in 14 versions
  • integrated in an LCD that supports communications (VCS xxx or tableaus), where the vehicle wifi is a part of the inner LCD. The advantage of this solution is easy data update (advertisement or traffic) in the LCD via a remote surveillance system.
  • multifunctional universal communication unit UCU 5.0x (2x LTE/WiFi/V2X router), including high-performance wifi (more than 50x simultaneous connections). This unit replaces  UCU 4.0 (production will end in 2020).

Pic. no. 2: Schema of the latest solution of units UCU 5.0x, which contains a router for two independent computer networks, 2x LTE modem with intelligent searching for a GSM network, high-performance WiFi with simultaneous connection of more than 50 passengers and a technological connection vehicle busbar CAN, RS 485 or it has other sensors and a GNSS module (GPS, Glonas, Galileo).

Vehicle unit types

Universal vehicle communication units (UCU) – vehicle router – were created based on the need to provide vehicles with independent communication with the public internet via GSM networks or inside an APN with superordinate servers. It was logical to also use this unit for the public and allow passengers to access the public internet by running public wifi in municipal and regional  public transportation vehicles.

As the universal communication unit has to include high-performance control and operation system it was equipped with a data router from/to vehicles which makes it possible for the unit to use one SIM card for more tasks or to use more SIM cards. It is important to have a correct setup of operation priority of individual data sources (QoS) and the needed access security (SSH connection).

All UCU communication units have been approved by the Railway Authority.

There are the following solutions – independent or embedded:

  • Indpendent solution UCU 5.0 - preferred communication unit type – LTE/Wi-FI/V2X router, which is further equipped with communication with vehicle units including public wifi for passengers (multiple SSID), it can contain a GNSS server, movement sensors and V2X communication.
  • embedded unit UCU fro inner LCDs that support communication (e.g. type VCS 215LW), where the communication unit is integrated into the body of the LCD display and it uses its control units,
  • Embedded unit  UCU 2.0 - an independent communication unit type designed to be embedded in other devices, mainly VLP tableaus where it makes them directly controllable form the dispatching (suitable for vehicles with no on-board computer). A more detailed description will be provided at a request.

  • Independent solution UCU 4.0 (description further below), where the basic output is wifi for passengers with up to 40 Mbit/s data current and an independent output of a 100 Mbit/s ethernet busbar to the vehicle. It is based on the PC technology. Production was ended at the beginning of 2020.

Installation principle

Pic. no. 3:  Example of an installation of the WiFi unit UCU 5.0 LWG (router LTE/Wi-Fi/GNSS (GPS, Glonas, Galileo and 2x Ethernet) in a public transportation vehicle.

Installation of a WiFi router (unit UCU x.x) in a vehicle – example:
In a vehicle, the WiFi unit for passengers can be connected to:

  • +24V (+12V) distribution and always activated after the vehicle starts (independent solution – see pic. no. 3)
  • a special output controlled via an  on-board computer, e.g. EPIS 4.0x . Its activation is controlled by turning on the designed output depending on the type of drive with passengers.
  • Ethernet switch unit  ECU 0x.x and it is controlled via the PoE interface.

Pic. no. 4: Example of an independent installation of the unit UCU 4.0L (newly UCU 5.0LW) in a tram (approved by the RA).

Remote management of the system

WiFi management – statistics of connected users

UCU x.x communication units can be controlled remotely by using our SW Mediaserver  for managing WiFi, vehicle LCD and other tools (e.g. supervision SW BOS  not only for checking ). Through these programs, unit application or initial advertisement can be changed remotely. Simultaneously the unit can perform and save on Mediaserver the following:

  • passenger login statistics,
  • unique user ratio,
  • TOP visited domains,
  • operation system ratio,
  • browser ratio,
  • user stay time,
  • amount of transferred data,
  • GPS position of logins
  • provide passenger rooming during transfers.

If needed the unit can be equipped with the following SW functions:

  • spreading of advertisements, i.e. when a passenger connects to the vehicle Wi-Fi, e.g. a banner is displayed with the leave or enter option. When choosing the enter option the passenger gets to a specific web page, when choosing the leave option they can freely browse the internet.
  • on-line access to remotely set the initial advertisement.
  • Possibility of remote surveillance of functionality – on-line supervision over the device with the possibility of turning the device off until the power supply of the device is turned on again.
  • Monitoring of activity feedback, i.e. processing connection statistics (how many people connected using what devices for what time etc..).

Management of components in a vehicle

Components in a vehicle can be controlled and managed via outside access from a server. One of the possibilities is reading data about events in front of or inside a vehicle via an independent ethernet network.

Pic. no.5: Example of reading event data from a front camera of a vehicle via the unit UCU 5.0 xx.

Pic. no.5: Example of reading event data from a front camera of a vehicle via the unit UCU 5.0 xx.

Other expandable HW functions
If needed the unit can be equipped with the following HW functions:

  • GNSS server for other systems in a vehicle. System accuracy 2,5 m – type SiRF STAR 4 (at a request).
  • Movement and vibration sensors.
  • Reading of vehicle busbars CAN and RS485 (e.g. from a vehicle thermometer), passenger counting units, etc….